Members of the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay are business and professional leaders who volunteer in our community and promote world understanding and peace.
Look for information about our weekly meetings on our home page. Currently due to the pandemic, we meet via ZOOM. We'd love to have you join us for our meetings which include excellent speakers and other programs of public interest. To request an invitation to the ZOOM meeting contact President Mary Rogren at Our calendar is updated to let you know where to find us.
Serving our community through a variety of different projects and activities is at the heart of our mission. Learn more on the What We Do page. Our Club asks each Rotarian to be involved in our projects, participate in social activities and attend as many meetings as possible. These are great ways to get to know your fellow members, neighbors and friends.
We would love to have you join our club. Use this link to apply for membership: Membership Application-Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay
We would love to have you join our club. Use this link to apply for membership: Membership Application-Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay
Service Above Self - The Rotarian's Commitment

Service Above Self is what motivates every member of the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay and every Rotarian around the world. Enjoy the short video clip by clicking the box:
New Member Orientation
Take a few minutes to learn about what it means to be a member of the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay.
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and to encourage and foster:
- The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.
- High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by each Rotarian of his occupation as an opportunity to serve society.
- The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to his personal, business and community life.
- The advancement of international understanding, good will, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional men and women united in the ideal of service.
The Rotary motto is Service Above Self.
Who we are: Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Rotary members believe that we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world’s most persistent issues. Our 35,000+ clubs work together to:
Our Mission
We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
Vision Statement
Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Rotary Beginnings
On February 23rd, 1905 in Chicago, Paul Harris and three other businessmen founded Rotary, the original service club. Since they chose to “rotate” the meetings each week from one of their businesses to the other, they chose the name “Rotary” for their new club. The purpose of the club was to broaden their contacts outside of their own particular businesses.
People in the western United States played an important part in the development and growth of Rotary. The next four (4) Clubs were: #2, San Francisco #3, Oakland #4, Seattle #5, Los Angeles Then Rotary moved East: #6, New York #7, Boston Rotary then expanded internationally with the Charter of the Rotary Club of Winnipeg, Canada in 1910, and then with Clubs in London, Dublin, and Belfast in 1911.
Today there are over 35,000 Rotary clubs around the world.
The Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay turns 50 in June 2021!
Membership in Rotary is by invitation. Clubs meet weekly for fellowship and interesting and informative programs dealing with topics of local and global importance. Club meetings and activities also focus on Community Service, Vocational Service, Youth Service, International Service, and Club Service.
Rotary International is the association of Rotary clubs around the world. Rotary clubs select their own service projects based on local needs and requirements. Club members support projects Internationally through their own contacts with Rotarians in other countries, and through participation in the programs of the Rotary Foundation. For more information on Rotary International, visit or our District 5150 website
Its officers and directors manage the affairs of the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay. The officers are elected each spring to serve for a term of one year beginning July 1. The President-elect always progresses to become President the following year. Other officers are Secretary, Treasure and Past President.
Typically, five directors are elected for two-year terms. Directors may also chair major committees. Further information regarding the officers, directors and committees may be found in the club by-laws.
In addition to the organization described by the by-laws, our club has a Past President’s Council comprised of all former presidents of the club. It is advisory group that makes recommendations to the President. The council also serves as the nominating committee for officers and directors.

The Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay is a member club of District 5150 which covers the Bay Area from Menlo Park north to Novato, including Redwood City, San Mateo, San Francisco, and Marin. 45 clubs comprise District 5150, and the District is governed by a District Governor elected by the clubs.Mary Bates is the 2020-21 District Governor. Danielle Lallement is the District Governor-Elect and will assume her role in 2021-2022.
Holger Knaack (Germany) is the President of Rotary International for 2020-21.
Shekhar Mehta (India) is the President-Elect and will assume his role in 2021-22. Jennifer E. Jones (making history as the first woman President) will assume her role in 2022-23.
Attendance and Participation in Community Projects. Regular attendance at club meetings and participation in community, vocational, international, and other projects is expected of all members. The club meets weekly on Thursdays at noon (currently via zoom 1+ hours) or alternatively at occasional evening socials or at community project events. As with so much of life, the more you put into being a Rotarian, the more you will get out of it!
Rotarians are PEOPLE OF ACTION. Rotary is all about doing – and giving of our time, talents, and service to make our world and local community a better place. As a Rotarian, you are expected “to do” and be a person of action. If you have an idea for helping our community or the world . . .whether making sandwiches for local day laborers; teaching life skills to high school students; assisting seniors with gardening; or sending wheel chairs and medical supplies to other countries to those in need . . . and the list goes on. . . your idea can come to fruition by engaging and calling your fellow Rotary club members to action. . .
Community Fundraising Events. We participate in a number of community events and functions in order to raise money for the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay Foundation and many other local educational, community organizations and international programs.
Attendance at most fund-raisers is required of everyone. Working shifts at the Pumpkin Festival and the Rotary Club of HMB Foundation fundraiser ARE mandatory.
Committees. All members are expected to participate in at least one committee. As a new member you will be assigned to a committee for the first year. Committees are reorganized every year with the incoming president.
Weekly Programs. Our weekly meetings usually feature a guest speaker. The program calendar is listed on the Club’s website (
If you have suggestions or information regarding a prospective Speaker, contact the Club President or President-elect. If interested, you may also sign up for the Speaker Program Committee.
Inspirational “thoughts for the day” and Shop Talks are two components of regular meetings. Members are assigned to provide these on a rotational basis. The inspirational thought for the day is usually a brief non-denominational uplifting thought, quotation, poem, etc. read at the beginning of the meeting. The shop talk is a personal biographical sketch on how you got to where you are. Members will be asked to provide a shop talk occasionally in lieu of a speaker.
In Person Meetings vs Virtual Meetings. When the club meets in person, the member assigned to preparing an inspirational thought for the day is generally assigned the task of the daily “Sergeant at Arms” which includes set up of the meeting room, greeting members as they arrive at the door, taking money, and other duties.
Marble Game. Tickets are sold prior to the start of the meeting (via the Square site located on the club website) or at beginning of an in-person meeting. Tickets are $3 each or 2 for $5. It is a 50/50 game with the winner taking ½ the cash prize and the balance of the money raised going into the Small Donation Fund to support various service projects. Members are expected to participate in the game each week.
Initiation Fee. The Initiation fee covers the first year dues for Rotary International ($100 in 2020-21) plus ($50 District 5150 dues – waived in 2020-21) plus $25-donation to The Rotary Foundation (EREY Every Rotarian Every Year annual fund.)
Dues. The 2020/21 monthly dues are $50/month payable at the beginning of each month. Dues may be paid by 1) automatic monthly credit card payment (contact the club bookkeeper to set up) or 2) by check (sent to Rotary Club of HMB, PO Box 31, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019.)
Dues cover the administrative expenses of the club including: 1) membership dues to Rotary International to cover your subscription to Rotarian magazine, access to Rotary resources such as leadership training and educational resources; 2) District 5150 dues for local training and club oversight; 3) other club administration including bookkeeping/tax and operating expenses.
Timely payment is required as the Club does not have funds to finance membership dues and cover commitments to events and general operating expenses. Members who are past due will be asked for a plan to bring their accounts current.
The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the environment, and the alleviation of poverty. The Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotary members and the friends of the Foundation who share its vision of a better world. In 2018, the Foundation awarded $87 million in funding over 1,300 grants. The Rotary Foundation has a 4-Star (highest) rating in Charity Navigator and spends over 92% of its donations on program awards.
Members of Rotary are encouraged to support The Rotary Foundation by contributing to the Paul Harris Fellowship (“Annual Fund”) on an annual basis. 50% of the contributions to the Rotary International Annual Fund by our club members can come back to the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay by way of GRANTS. The other 50% fund global grants (which our local club can apply for a global cause.) In the 2020-21 year, the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay received two grants (from return of our local member contributions.) One grant funded building the fence/day labor meeting area at Abundant Grace/Coastside Worker.. The second grant funded essential living supplies for 8 families sponsored by Coastside Hope.
Donations to The Rotary Foundation: A yearly voluntary contribution of $200 is encouraged and can be managed via an automatic payment of $17 per month. (Register for an account at Use District 5150, Club 385, your membership # -- from your club secretary.)
An individual who contributes $1,000 will be recognized as a “Paul Harris Fellow”.
The Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay also has its own Foundation. Fundraising activities and donations are used to fund local causes. Recent causes have included: the Half Moon Bay Library, Scholarships; Abundant Grace; Coastside Hope; The Heal Project; Senior Coastsiders; Table of Plenty; Purple Heart Anglers; Rota-Care.
Pins and Badges. Wearing a Rotary pin is a wonderful way to show your pride in Rotary and to have an easy way to start a conversation about what Rotary means to you. (And remember that there are 1.2M Rotarians around the world!) We encourage you to wear your Rotary pin – and when we meet in person, please wear your pin proudly!
You will also be given a Rotary name badge to wear when we meet in person. As a new member, you will receive a red identification badge. This will help other members know who you are and that you are still learning about the club and its operation.
You will receive your permanent blue badge when you have completed your orientation period, which usually requires a minimum of two months. During this time, you are expected to perform certain activities that are necessary to the functioning of the club. These activities are intended to help you get established quickly as an active, participating member and are described on the attached New Member Orientation Checklist. This checklist is to be completed and turned into the Club Membership Chair or designee before your orientation can be considered complete. Your blue badge will subsequently be presented to you at a regular meeting.
Banners. When you are traveling, consider visiting another Rotary club where you are going. Check the Rotary International website for meeting schedules around the world. Take along a Half Moon Bay Rotary Club banner in exchange with the club(s) you visit.
Visiting Rotarians. Rotarians from other clubs frequently attend meetings in Half Moon Bay (or via zoom.) All members should welcome them and extend the hospitality of our club!
Guests. Members are encouraged to invite guests to our weekly meetings – whether via zoom or in person. If we are meeting in person for a lunch meeting, check with your Club President on meal fees. The President will ask members to introduce their guests at the beginning of each meeting.
Special Events. Our club has several traditional social meetings during the year. The charge for these events is divided among the participating members on a break-even basis. These socials are well attended and enjoyed by participants. They provide excellent opportunities for spouses and friends to meet each other and to share in the fellowship that are so important to Rotary.
Stay up to date on club events by going to the club website or the facebook page
If you happened to miss a meeting, you can read a recap of the last meeting on the Foghorn e-newsletter published on the front page of the website.
Do you need to communicate with your fellow Rotarians? The ClubRunner interface (available with a log-in from the club website) allows you to securely e-mail other club members. ClubRunner also offers many resources available to our club members.
The following checklist is for individuals who are currently in the process of becoming a member of the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay.
WELCOME TO ROTARY! The following are the recommended actions you and your Mentor should complete within your first six months of being a Rotarian. This will ensure that you are fully engaged and taking advantage of your membership at your Club, in the District and Rotary International. Your sponsor will support you in completing these tasks. Be sure to ask for help if you need it. When you have met these requirements please sign below and return this form to your Mentor/Membership Chair.
- Membership Induction Date Completed: __________________
- Attend the Orientation Program (Online or In Person) Date Completed: __________________
- Review the Getting To Know Your Club Handout Date Completed: __________________
- Create Your ClubRunner Login & Profile Date ( Completed: __________________
- Create Your Rotary International Login & Profile Date ( Completed: __________________
- Review the District website ( Date Completed: _______________
- Review Your Role As A New Member on RI Date Completed: __________________
- Serve as a Meeting Greeter (3) times Dates Completed: _________________
- Join a Club Committee (at least 1) Committee: ______________________
- Complete Your Classification (Bio) Presentation to Club Date Completed: __________________
- Attend a Club Social Activity (at least 1) Date Completed: __________________
- Attend a Club Fundraising Event (at least 1) Date Completed: __________________
- Attend a Club Board Meeting (at least 1) Date Completed: __________________
- Attend a Meeting at another Club (at least 1) Club/Date Completed: ______________
- Complete a Check-In with the Club President Date Completed: __________________
- Complete a 3 Month Check-In with your Mentor Date Completed: __________________
- Be Current on Rotary Dues Treasurer Initials: __________________
Member Name: ______________________ Member Initials: __________________ Date: ___________
Mentor Name: ______________________ Mentor Initials: ________________
Rotary International (RI)

Learn about the amazing work that Rotary does around the world reaching out to support the underserved. The Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay is proud to be a part of this essential work.