She recognized and thanked each Club Director by giving them Paul Harris Awards including new pins. As part of her recognition, our District 5150 Awards were also announced and the plaques were distributed to the responsible Board Member when receiving their Paul Harris Award. Our Club under her leadership received Best Club Award and individual awards in all of the categories that were measured throughout the year. Those were Vocational, Youth, Membership, Club Service, Public Image, Rotary Foundation, International Service and Community Service.
All club members participated in the efforts that led to this outstanding recognition within our District, and Liz made this meeting a celebration of all that commitment and effort on the part of our club. As part of the celebration, lunch was provided for all
In addition, Nancy Wohlfberg was given a lobster necklace for volunteering to be co-chair of our Magic of the Coastside Lobsterfest this year. This is our major fundraiser under the auspices of the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay Foundation and provides funds for most of the projects we support throughout the year.
Teri Pickle, Liz's spouse, was honored for supporting Liz this year and given a standing ovation.
Liz’s parting thoughts—"Teamwork makes the dream work. And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make."
President Liz called the meeting to order.
Inspirational Thought. We received words of wisdom from Nancy who shared a quote from Maya Angelou.
Visitors/Guests Mike Osborne, charter member of the Corte Madera Club.
He has lived in Ocean Colony for 8 years and is ready to attend Rotary closer to home.
Announcements We raised $800 this year for Alzheimer’s, $100 will be in honor of Casey Sample.
We made Keven and Wendy Smittle Paul Harris Fellows, which made them tear up with appreciation.
Dictionary project—Warren reported that nine of us helped with the project this year.
Home Rehab—Susan reported that our team of five knocked out two gardening jobs.
Next week is Suzanne’s wrap up and our Relay for Life fundraiser. Renee is still looking for auction items for that fundraiser.
Next week is Coastside Pride’s inclusivity training at the Library.
Kevin gave us a Lobsterfest update. He reported that Wendy donated a slot machine for the event. We will do a wine pull again. Every member, please donate a nice ($20+, ninety points or better) bottle. Give them to Liz or Kevin. Email to follow.
Liz noted that Paul is in France, Ralph is in Majorca and Ed is in the Galapagos.
Life skills update, Charise—see her email.
New Member Induction Ginger inducted Dustin Shafae. He has been to several meetings, events and has volunteered with us. He has a software company and designs programs for the produce industry. He helped with Life Skills doing interviews this year.
Happy News - District Conference Program Page Celebrating President Liz.
Joe surprised Liz with a special District Conference full page ad honoring her. See the ad that includes Joe’s limerick above. Board members donated to have the page honoring Liz in the District Conference Program. Mary, Joe, Irwin and Dianne were responsible for the design of the ad.
John and Larkin were thanked for getting Suzanne as our exchange student.
Up Next
President Liz will be 'debunked' next Wednesday at 6 p.m. - Dinner at the Odd Fellows Lodge on Main Street.
Sept 7, 5-9, IDES Hall—Lobster Fest, invite your friends. Ask your favorite restaurants for gift certificates. Looking for sponsorships. Ginger will send sample letter and list.